On the 9th of April, the Faculty of Materials Science launched a new educational project – online lecture series course. Twice a week one of famous scientists from the world’s leading universities will tell about the most advanced areas of state-of-the-art materials science.

The first lecture on “The order and how we understand it” was given by Alexei Bosak – the eminent graduate of the Faculty of Materials Science, now a leading researcher of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble (France). This was followed by an online lecture on “Radiation Detection” by Head of the Department of Chemistry and Radiochemistry Department of MSU, prof. S.N. Kalmykov.

So far, 8 invited lectures have taken place from the following scientists: prof. Keith Stevenson (University of Texas in Austin, USA; Scoltech, Russia) "Advanced materials for energy storage: challenges and opportunities"; Ivan Turkevych (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan) “Solar energy and photocatalytic water splitting”, prof. Aron Walsh (Imperial College London, UK) “New Adventures in Materials Modeling”, prof. Yury Gogotsi (Drexel University, USA) “The Rise of MXenes”, Wolfgang Tress (University of Munich, Germany) “Device physics of perovskite solar cells”, prof. Henk Bolink (University of Valencia, Spain) “Vacuum deposition techniques for modern photovoltaics”.

In the April and May, the following outstanding scientists will give lectures: prof. Michael Grätzel (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland), prof. David Scanlon (Imperial College London, UK), prof. Fabio Pulizzi (Chief Editor at Nature Nanotechnology, UK), Oleg Yazyev (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland), prof. Joachim Mayer (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), prof. Giulia Tregnago (Associate Editor at Nature Energy, UK), prof. Maksym Kovalenko (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland) and others.

Everyone is welcome to participate in the lectures! As a student of our online educational project, you will get acquainted with the most advanced areas of modern materials science, learn about the main global trends in its development, get the experience of attending lectures in English and simply have an interesting time!

The lectures are held each Tuesday and Friday on Zoom. All the current information on the upcoming lectures can be found on the NMSE website and the recordings of all past lectures are available on the YouTube channel «Online education at FMS MSU».

Online lectures are held by the Laboratory of New Materials for Solar Energetics on the Faculty of Materials Science at Moscow State University.